Louis Munteanu, 22 ani, atacantul celor de la CFR Cluj, a dezvăluit într-un interviu emoționant cât de grea a fost adaptarea departe de casă. Acesta a fost cooptat în cadrul Academiei Hagi la frageda vârstă de 9 ani, iar schimbarea de mediu, de la Vaslui la Constanța, s-a dovedit a fi o cumpănă importantă pentru acesta. ...
This text is likely an article from a sports website (Gazeta Sporturilor - GSP.ro) and the main idea revolves around a heartfelt interview with football player Louis Munteanu.
The interview focuses on:
* The challenges he faced during his professional career.
* He confides in feeling isolated and unknown, stating "Nu cunoșteam pe nimeni" (I didn't know anyone).
The title "Plângeam în fiecare seară" (I cried every evening) suggests the interview delves into these difficulties deeply, possibly revealing emotional hardships and struggles.
This text is likely an article from a sports website (Gazeta Sporturilor - GSP.ro) and the main idea revolves around a heartfelt interview with football player Louis Munteanu. The interview focuses on: * The challenges he faced during his professional career. * He confides in feeling isolated and unknown, stating "Nu cunoșteam pe nimeni" (I didn't know anyone). The title "Plângeam în fiecare seară" (I cried every evening) suggests the interview delves into these difficulties deeply, possibly revealing emotional hardships and struggles.